Halloween | Humour

Tarantula House

Three spooky 20-word stories and a bonus twittle

Carolyn Hastings
4 min readOct 18, 2022


A grey and white house decorated with huge black tarantulas and a spider web.
author’s own photo

#1.. “Do you think she’ll like what we’ve done?”
“Are you for real? It’s the best trick we’ve ever spun together!”

Shereen Bingham entertained us recently with her collection of spooky 20-word stories that she’d written in response to Nikolaos Skordilischallenge.

As Nikolaos explains in his post, 20-word stories are an extension of the 10-word stories Sheri Jacobs dared us to try back in July. Since then, the 10-word story concept has gone through several iterations including a dialogue version introduced by Jim McAulay🍁.

Shereen very kindly mentioned my contribution to the growing catalogue of 10-word stories that can be found here on Medium. I thanked her for the shoutout and was going to leave it at that. Spooky is not my style; nor is Halloween (we’re a bit ambivalent about Halloween in Australia). 🙄

🕷 The tarantulas had other ideas! 🕷

I came across them the day after Shereen tagged me into her story — a scaremongery of huge black tarantulas ‘guarding’ a bound-up baby doll suspended from the veranda — you can see it there dangling in front of the spider web! 🕸️ 😱



Carolyn Hastings

Well-practiced speech pathologist now practicing to be a children’s book writer — emphasis on practicing.