Oh, did I forget to tell you (and everyone else too for that matter – oops!) that once you’re on the twittle train, there’s no getting off? Let me reword that – you can’t leave the train. Besides, who else is going to write risqué twittles like yours, Patrick?! You are Patrick, aren’t you? Not M?
I’m impressed by your speed twittling – are you sure you haven’t been practising behind the scenes?! 😉
I’ve actually fluked it a few times with 100 letters straight up – sort of like a hole in one I suppose!!
Now I did promise to tweet all twittles that came to my attention, didn’t I? Might live to regret making that promise. 😆 We’ll see what the twitterazzi make of this one! 🙀 To be honest it wouldn’t be a big loss – did I say that? 🤭🥸