#Writehere Prompt Week 3 | Apology | Poetry

I’m Not Whinging

I’m speaking for all of us — I hope 🙏

Carolyn Hastings
2 min readJul 13, 2021


Image by dozemode from Pixabay

Don’t get me wrong
I’m not whinging
not for myself anyway
I’m here being
a voice for the masses,
north to south, east to west
round and round
when I say -
Can we please have an apology?
One that feels real and sincere;
no spin-doctor gibberish
but something that speaks
of accountability
An apology to each one and all
for our lives dispossessed
tipped upside-down
smashed and beaten,
and lest we forget
those gone forever
their voices muted
in death’s finality

Who let the woo-woo
out of Wuhan?
We all have a right
to know now
not in 50 years
or whenever,
but here in this space
that is ours



Carolyn Hastings

Well-practiced speech pathologist now practicing to be a children’s book writer — emphasis on practicing.