
Does this mean Medium’s algorithm likes me?!

A screenshot of Carolyn Hastings’ Medium profile page showing a story, Poemorama Secrets, along with an image of two ornamental angels and the words, Poemorama Secret Top Writers. On the right of the screenshot is a list of four other stories on Medium written by Carolyn Hastings have yellow stars next to them.
screenshot by writer — embellishments added in PowerPoint

I checked in on my most recently published story and was chuffed to see that our nemesis (aka Medium’s algorithm — aka Algo) has waved its magic wand in my direction and granted me all four pozzies (that’s Australian for ‘positions’) in the ‘More from Medium’ panel!

How good is that?! 🙌 😄

To be honest, I’m not sure how the MfM panel works.

Does everyone who clicks on this story see the same selection of four stories, or is this selection just for me, i.e. Algo stroking my ego for having written nice things about it?! 😜

Has anyone else had a four-out-of-four MFM experience?

I tell you what, I’m glad I took the screenshot — in case it’s the one and only time Algo and I agree on something! 😆



Carolyn Hastings

Well-practiced speech pathologist now practicing to be a children’s book writer — emphasis on practicing.